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No more, just no more
Di DL4U (del 20/06/2010 @ 14:15:54, in Pensieri, riflessioni e sfoghi..., linkato 1143 volte)

Wondering ...

a space for me and you but there was never,
a bit 'of time that it was a clipping from a stroke and the other,
the gratitude for a sign with a simple gesture,
the memory of a small, fucking,  date

Answer ..

no problem: the anger grew and then passed away
and I did not bother by and pulled forward,
always with a smile on my face 

Perhaps ...

just enough to understand, but it was not
I'm not perfect I know, but I'm changing,
I'm changing, but I can not twist

It was so simple to read between things, but it was not
just enough to understand a look, but the desire was not there


I never forget the good and who gave it to me
I have wrinkles and pain for people who are no longer
I am always afraid of losing what little I have given all day
I never forget the good and who gave it to me 

Finally ..

sometimes I wish someone would notice me..
now goes well, everything passes everything flows, no problem

the shoulders are strong and handle the weight,
so please silence, do not look for me again: 'cause you do not fool me again

Please no more.


- "Ti ci abituerai. Finirai per non vederlo neanche più" fece.

- "E come? L'avrò sempre lì,sotto agli occhi."

- "Appunto" disse Mattia."è proprio per questo che non lo vedrai più"

(da "La solitudine dei numeri primi" , Paolo Giordano)